We want to make sure that we are sitting on the same side of the table as you to help you reach your financial goals.

Imperium Wealth Management is a fee-only wealth management firm that provides comprehensive advisory and investment services. Although this can mean different things at different firms, our goal is to have all things financial working in concert with one another to deliver a result in which the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to utilize financial planning to build a financial plan that finds that point of balance between maximizing your quality of life through spending power, while not putting yourself in financial jeopardy. No one wants to run out of money, and fewer still want to be the richest person in the cemetery. Once we identify that balance and craft your financial plan, we implement that plan through investment & account management as well as through tax planning & preparation, so that you can achieve and maintain a consistency of lifestyle regardless of the outside economic conditions.

Our Client Programs

Wealth Management

Our Wealth Management program takes a complete and comprehensive approach to managing all aspects of our clients’ financial lives. We believe that looking at a client’s financial condition in a comprehensive and complete way creates the greatest probability that our clients will make the wisest choices with their money, and therefore, not run out of it. The process begins with the development of a comprehensive financial plan that is tailored specifically to you. To see if we are a good fit for you, please see our Ideal Client Profile.

Asset Management

At Imperium, we believe in promoting family wealth and believe that giving our clients’ peace-of-mind about their loved ones’ finances can be a financial asset for the clients themselves. Our Asset Management program is designed to help family members of our Wealth Management program and certain individuals to begin the process of building their portfolio. Acceptance to the program is on an exception basis.

Our Services


Financial Planning

The main objective of a financial plan should be to successfully achieve financial independence for the rest of your life. “Financial independence” is often a loosely-used term that is tossed around without definition. At Imperium, financial independence is defined as: building a portfolio of financial assets that can generate an income to cover all of your expenses without the need for earned income. Beyond that, whether it’s owning your own home, funding your children’s education, or creating a stress-free retirement, a financial plan is considered vital in achieving those goals.


Investment Management

Managing your money is the most important responsibility of the job we do for you. Every client’s portfolio is custom tailored to their financial plan. Unlike many other firms which ask arbitrary questions about risk before dropping the money into a portfolio model run on autopilot, we believe that for what our clients are paying, they deserve more. Given how thorough and comprehensive our financial planning process is, we can develop an accurate catalogue of expected future cashflows that we can then marry to investments with identical time horizons. This allows for us to shift risk focus from exposure to volatility to avoiding the realization of loss.


Tax Planning & Preparation

Imperium is more than just a financial planning or an investment management company—we do our clients' taxes in-house as well. We believe that an integral part of financial success is accurately and thoroughly incorporating tax strategy. We optimize our tax planning through preparing our clients’ tax returns. Our experienced CPAs are able to provide valuable input into the financial planning process as well as direct strategic planning on actions we take with our client’s investment portfolios.


Risk Management

One of the most important ingredients for financial success is making sure you have sufficient insurance to cover unlikely situations that come with wealth-destroying expenses. We help our clients identify these gaps and bridge them accordingly. Through our expertise and resources, we assist in making sure that the price you are being charged is fair and the insurance you have is insurance you need.


Estate Planning Review

Although we currently do not create estate documents, we will have a conversation about your wishes regarding how you want your wealth to be handled after you are gone or become incapacitated. Our goal is to avoid families ending up in discord and rancor while trying to interpret “what the right thing to do is.” It’s important that your wishes are abundantly clear, and we will help you interpret and evaluate whether or not your estate plan will actually facilitate them.


Business Solutions

For clients that are business owners, we can assist you in determining the correct corporate entity and the ideal tax structure. Ownership in a business opens up other savings and investing opportunities, and we can help you explore those as well as make recommendations to take advantage such as 401(k), Profit Sharing, and Defined Benefit Cash Balance plan development. We also offer bookkeeping, accounting, and payroll services.

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Our Team

We believe that transparency is key in our clients’ understanding of how their finances are doing.

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